Sydney Airport Corporation
Sydney, New South Wales
$5 – $10 million
Nov 2019 – May 2020
Sydney Airport is in the process of upgrading the Northern Pond Apron Bays 83, 84 and 85 from layover positions to serviced active bays, capable of bussed arrival and departures. To support active bay operations, the bay infrastructure at Bays 83, 84 and 85 require upgrading for refueling capability, aircraft ground power and preconditioned air. In addition, the front stand apron is to be extended into the existing Northern Ponds via a deck structure, providing additional room for ground services equipment (GSE).
In order to facilitate refueling at the apron, the existing 450NB fuel feed feedline was extended from its existing termination point at Terminal T1 on Bay 1, to a new junction pit at Bay 83. To facilitate the installation of this new fuel pipeline, Rob Carr constructed a 523m long DN900 concrete pipeline using slurry pressure balanced microtunneling to install the pipeline beneath the ‘live’ runway strip, RESA, the Bay 83 Apron and Taxi lane.
The microtunneling was carried out over three separate drives, predominantly through saturated ground conditions consisting of silt, sand and fill. To facilitate the tunneling and to allow for the installation of the 450NB fuel pipeline within the DN900 reinforced concrete pipeline, Rob Carr constructed in situ concrete caissons, which provided a dry and safe working environment for the tunneling crews to conduct their operations. Though the conditions were quite challenging, the project was completed successfully and well ahead of the contract schedule.